What we do

Whichever authority you are addressing, we have what it takes to achieve your goal: to persuade it that the law is on your side.
We work on the briefs with your advisors and develop well-constructed arguments based on the case law of the relevant supreme court(s) (French Court of Cassation and Council of State, the Court of Justice of the European Union, and the European Court of Human Rights), as well as the latest legal research.
We draft petitions for priority preliminary rulings on constitutionality from the French supreme courts and for preliminary rulings from the Court of Justice of the European Union, and argue in support of their transmission to the court in question and a favorable ruling.
We also work with Public Affairs departments to draft the memos, reports, or briefs that will persuade decision makers (French or European administrative authorities or parliamentarians), then the courts (in particular the Constitutional Council or State Council) that the law supports your position.
To raise target-audience awareness, we contribute to public discourse by writing opinion pieces and articles and through public speaking.
Whichever authority you are addressing and regardless of format, we have every conceivable tool we need to achieve your goal: to persuade it that the law is on your side.
Court of Cassation:
Petitions for review, petitions for advisory opinions, appeals for revision, petitions for referral to the Constitutional Council of QPCs (requests for priority preliminary rulings on constitutionality), etc.
State Council:
Petitions for review, petitions for advisory opinions, appeals for revision, actions for damages in administrative court, appeals of ultra vires administrative decisions, argumentation before the administrative sections of the State Council in connection with the opinions issued prior to enactment of laws, petitions for referral of QPCs to the Constitutional Council, etc.
Constitutional Council:
Petitions for post-hoc review of legislation via QPCs (drafting of QPCs at all levels of jurisdiction, transmission then referral to the Constitutional Council, argumentation before the Council), petitions for prior review of legislation in support of parliamentary appeals or through amicus briefs, election-related litigation.
Court of Justice of the European Union:
Preliminary rulings: we draft and submit requests for preliminary rulings at all levels of jurisdiction, petition for referral to the CJEU, argue before the CJEU, then use the CJEU’s ruling
European Court of Human Rights:
Petitions to the ECtHR after domestic litigation
National or European Parliament or Authorities:
We draft memos, reports, and briefs, and participate in working meetings
We participate in conferences, research projects, and continuing education, write articles and opinion pieces, provide explanations for the media (general and specialized), produce videos, etc.